PIDP (Provincial Instructor Diploma Program)
A Visual and Written Summary of Learning
PIDP 3100 Foundations of Adult Education
Adult Learning Theories - Connectivism & Creating a place where adults can learn
PIDP 3210 Curriculum Development

Curriculum Documents - who reads them anyways?
PIDP 3220 Delivery of Instruction
What is the face of your teaching?
As this is the last course that I have taken I have a feeling of relief as well as a feeling of wanting to learn more. Each PIDP course had its focus that allowed me to learn about various aspects of instructing and a curiosity to understand even more about the education process.
In previous education courses, I learned some adult learning theories, engagement techniques, and even program evaluation. From previous educational experiences, I have “tricks up my sleeve” regarding techniques for engagement, evaluation, and even feedback. These theories and “tricks” were reinforced while taking the PIDP courses. I enjoyed the new engagement techniques and processes for delivery of instruction that I explored.
The nursing profession gives me an understanding of professionalism and collaboration skills. I require an understanding of professional communication when working inter-professionally with other health care workers and clients in nursing. In the same way, as an instructor, I require the same competencies when working with colleagues and students.
One of the assets I brought to the BSN program was my ability to work with technology, but even after taking the Media course, I have not learned how to make technology less time consuming. I found the blogs and discussion groups very distracting. I understand that blog and discussion group writing is not to be as disciplined as an essay but as I strive for concise writing and presentation, I spend a lot of time editing any entries I make to the blogs and discussion groups. (This little entry has taken me over 2 hours to create.) But I always have fun with media creation.
I had not studied curriculum design in as much detail before the PIDP 3210. I learned a practical process for developing a course curriculum. For me the challenge came when I integrated that course into a pre-existing program. The BSN program requires that I am involved in the process of curriculum design at the program and course level. We have a curriculum committee with subcommittee levels that deal with nursing theory and communication as well as clinical practice. I will be able to continue my practice of the processes learned in PIDP 3210.
As a nursing instructor, I have many opportunities to use the information practised in PIDP course exercises and assignments. I used the M&M’s in little envelopes as a way of choosing groups for a presentation project. I am more methodical in the creation of my lesson plan. I would like to make a power point template that could be my lesson plan. It seems redundant to put information on a PowerPoint and a lesson plan. I continue to be involved in the technological aspects of nursing education, I will try to use some of the class feedback and engagement resources available on Moodle and the internet. I plan to get the CNA nursing educator certificate through CASN courses. As I stated in an Accreditation/Scholarship entry, instructing as well as nursing require the discipline of life-long learning and with that learning will always come the propagation of that information.