Monday, 19 September 2016

The Practice Of Lifelong Learning In The Nursing Profession

I must admit that when I was an “ordinary” nurse in clinical practice I didn’t take the importance of lifelong learning a seriously as I should. Goepee states that “Lack of time -Negative effects of school experience - Lack of confidence -Distance from classes- Reluctance to go out at night” are all reasons given for not pursuing the practice (2001, pg. 612). I can relate to some if not all of these excuses for not participating in lifelong learning while I was still a clinician. I see those same reasons given to me by colleagues who are still working in the clinical areas. The momentum needs to begin a course of studies is usually related to its pragmatic use in practice on the ward (Pool, Poell, Berrings & Cate, 2015). Pool et al. also spoke about the differences in types of studies and reasons for them when looking a lifelong learning across an age spectrum of nurses (2015) I found it interesting to see how the older nurse in order to advance them self will go into a more formal education program to obtain a post-graduate education. I must say I am an example of that kind of reality. In today’s world of rapid changes, nurses will continue to do lifelong learning not only because it is mandated by the CRNBC (College of Registered Nurses of BC), but because they need to know something in order to effectively practice their profession.

Gopee, N. (2001) Lifelong learning in nursing: perceptions and realities. Nurse Educ. Today, 21 (8) (2001), pp. 607–615

Pool, I. A., Poell, R. F., Berings, M. C., & Cate, O. t. (2015). Strategies for continuing professional development among younger, middle-aged, and older nurses: A biographical approach. International Journal Of Nursing Studies, 52(5), 939-950. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.02.004

Image courtesy of Carol VanHook: 

Sunday, 11 September 2016

What is the difference between a college and a university?

Recently while doing looking up some information on the ideas of accreditation and professionalism I came across an interesting video describing the differences between colleges and universities. I was asking myself this question because I noted that often in colleges the faculties were much smaller. The ability of the faculty to do scholarship and research was made difficult due to lack of funding.  Yet the video described some of the essential differences in the two histories that could answer some of the questions about the differences in resources and size.

Merkx, G., (Dec 20, 2013). The historic differences between colleges and universities, Duke University Center for International Education. Retrieved on September 11, 2016 from 

Accreditation and Scholarship

Accreditation and scholarship of staff for professional programs is not an option but a requirement.

I am a nurse, and I am an educator, both of these professions require that I am registered and part of an accredited body to teach in the profession of nursing. In the past three years, the BSN program at VCC was accredited by two external organizations, CRNBC (the college of nurses in BC) and CASN (Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing) are both involved in the accreditation process of the BSN programs.
CRNBC assessed the BSN program three years ago. CRNBC is mandated by the Health Professions Act of BC (British Columbia) to regulate Registered Nurses (RN) and Nurse Practitioners (NP) and that includes their education. So the entries to practice standards are set by the CRNBC, and therefore the schools of nursing in BC are then assessed to ensure that they are teaching the students to a level that prepared them to safely practice with the public of BC. That program assessment is outlined in the “Nursing Education Program and Course Review Policies”. This document contains the information on how reviewers are chosen and states that the review must occur at least every seven years. The program is assessed on three standards:
    “Curriculum -  provides the learning experiences necessary for students to achieve the RN entry-level competencies and Standards of Practice (CRNBC, n.d., pp. 7-8)
    Students -  demonstrate progress toward the achievement of the competencies and Standards of Practice (CRNBC, n.d., pp. 7-8)
    Graduates - of the nursing education program achieve the competencies and Standards of Practice.” (CRNBC, n.d., pp. 7-8)
Each of these standards has a set of indicators that is assessed by the reviewers. The reviewers then bring it to the CRNBC board, which includes RN’s as well as members of the public a standard that is required by the public. CRNBC recognizes CASN accreditation and therefore documents created for CASN can be used in the CRNBC review. (CRNBC, n.d., p. 17)
    CASN accredits all schools of nursing in Canada. As far as I can tell this accreditation is still voluntary, but as the accreditation becomes more recognized, it becomes more desirable (CASN, n.d.). This accreditation reviews both the college and the program of nursing (CASN, 2014, p. 4). The program is evaluated on Relevance, Accountability, Relatedness, and Uniqueness (CASN, 2014, pp. 8-9). I remember long reports were written on all the elements that were to be reviewed. Leadership, Partnerships, Resources, Teaching and Learning, Environment, Scholarship of the faculty, Program Framework, Knowledge Based Practice, Professional Growth of the students, and finally Evaluation are all elements that are considered during a CASN accreditation. Accreditation takes time for all the staff of the program. 
    CASN, CRNBC and CNA (Canadian Nurses Association) promote life-long learning and maintenance of practice competencies through learning (CNA, 2000). It was during the first year of teaching that I started the CASN Nurse Educator course. Due to unforeseen family circumstances I was not able to complete the course but am further to motivated to return and complete it because it also gives me a CNA specialty certificate in nursing education. It was when the CASN accreditation was being presented that I realized I needed to complete my nursing degree. I had a masters in linguistics, and a lot of prior experiences so had been “grandmother”’ed into teaching courses in the program. The element that encouraged this return to school was the scholarship element of school assessment. I have now completed that degree and will be able to return to the learning opportunities offered by CASN for nursing instructors both clinical and classroom teaching.
The scholarship element has also encouraged me in other ways. It is important to produce some professional works as an instructor and to that end I will be going to a research conference in fall. What I do find discouraging though both when I was working as a clinical nurse on the wards and now when I am teaching is the difficulty to find time to do the research needed for proper scholarship. Our program is small. Therefore the number of faculty is very small and keeping up to maintaining a current program, teaching and preparation is very difficult. The time needed for all these activities plus the rigors of scholarship make the work of a nursing educator very busy. It is particularly difficult for those who are term instructors and still working in the clinical areas while they are teaching. An article I read even questioned the benefits of “sessional instructors” (Peters, Jackson, Andrew, Halcomb, & Salamonson, 2011). My concern is not so much the benefits of those instructors but our ability to be able to mentor and encourage them in a timely manner while we do scholarship. The college funding of programs is less conducive to the practice of scholarship as well.
So as a nurse, I get the opportunity to participate in life-long learning in my profession as prescribed by the CRNBC and CNA. As an educator, I get the chance to take courses like this PIDP (Provincial Instructor Diploma Program) to hone my skills as an instructor. It is as a nursing instructor that I must engage in scholarship as prescribed by CASN. I may need to work on a doctorate some day, but without a doubt, I will be expected to write about some element of nursing education. It is that writing that will require research and life-long learning to be an effective nurse educator.

CASN, (2014). CASN Accreditation Program Standards (Version 5), Ottawa. Retrieved on September 11, 2016 from
CASN, (n.d.) CASN, Accreditation, Ottawa. Retrieved on September 11, 2016 from
CNA, (2000). Position Statement: Promoting Continuing Competence For Registered Nurses, Ottawa. Retrieved on September 11, 2016 from
CRNBC, (n.d.). Nursing Education Program and Course Review Policies, Vancouver. Retrieved on September 11, 2016 from

Peters, K., Jackson, D., Andrew, S., Halcomb, E. J., & Salamonson, Y. (2011). Burden versus benefit: Continuing nurse academics' experiences of working with sessional teachers. Contemporary Nurse: A Journal For The Australian Nursing Profession, 38(1/2), 35-44.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Grit, Fear of Failure, Fear of Change

The Brookfield's book, The Skilful Teacher is being commented on the extra page on this blog spot. While doing the discussion on Chapter 16 Understanding Student Resistance I revisited a TED talk I had seen a while back when looking at previous PIDP course. 
I really appreciate Angela Duckworth's work on Grit. I don't whether it is because I appreciate the characteristic as part of an "older" generation of learner/educators or just because it is interesting when it comes to being able to persevere through the adversities of learning.
I have provided a link to her website and work on grit. Angela Duckworth