Saturday, 30 May 2015

New Insights & Trends & Meetings

New Insights: What new insights have you gained in terms of the variety of roles that adult educators play? 
     I was disconcerted by what appeared to be the "loosey-goosey" types of role the adult educators played in MOOC's. Unless the learner has experience with the knowledge how does the instructor evaluate the execution of that knowledge.
The things that disconcerted me were:
  1. The lack of competency knowledge transfer 
  2. The lack of opportunity for skill practice/experience
  3. Blogs/online discussion groups can only go so far in the practice
  4. Reflective journals can be "fudged" when created online
  5. The lack of evaluation of experience
  6. Evaluation of character of the learner needs to be done face-to-face in many social professions
  7. The formative and summative evaluation of "experience" was also not evident in the instructor roles in the MOOC and connectivist, networked classroom.
     In the nursing profession we need to have the opportunity for face-to face evaluation of competencies needed for completion of the program and through out the progression of learning in the program.  Even in the PIDP course, has two courses that must be given in class, the Delivery of Instruction and Capstone course are not given online. The capstone project can be video taped but it requires off line execution and skype can and is used to provide a more face-to-face instructor - learner relationship.
     I was encouraged by the Karen Stephenson articles that encouraged apprenticeship and mentorship. These develop the trust that was need to transfer knowledge. (Kleiner, 2002, Stephenson)

Trends: What are some trends in your field? How are you preparing to address these trends? 
     I do see that there are more and more online courses being offered. Of course the clinical and lab courses could not be offered online for the reasons stated above.
     When faced with an online chapter module in a recent class students who do not want online learning as stated, "the reason we came to your college is so that we could have face to face learning experiences because that is the way we learn". Wang, Chen & Anderson (2014) have done some research to give a framework for engagement and interaction. Poellhuber, Roy, & Anderson (2011) researched the readiness for online collaboration, and noticed a variation in readiness over age, gender with surprising results that of who was ready for the online work and who was not.
     I think there will always be a reason to have the continuation of face-to-face courses unless we can put more security checks in place. Recently we have tried to put make use of Wiki's for our e-portfolios, there are a lot of issues that come to the forefront when it comes to access to a portfolio that carries through the program and negative summative evaluations are in place for future instructors to peruse.
     As long as there are social sciences that have intra-personal engagement we will continue to have a large measure of face-to-face courses. As long as we have students who are adverse to online technology and have a learning style that lends itself to face-to-face teaching we will continue to have physical classrooms.

Meetings: How was it? What was one thing that you learned about from your learning partner? 
     My web-conference ended up being a face-to-face conference with Magi Scallion. 
When I think of the above post that seems rather apropos, since I have "scorned" some of the online e-learning, taking note of lacks in the ability of the instructor role to do physical experience based evaluations. 
     It was lovely to meet with Magi, and discuss our research. We enjoyed a dinner at a restaurant on my way to Fairmont Hot Springs, BC. I have gone through a traumatic time with my family this past year. I lost both my parents as a result of a house fire. So face-to-face communication was much easier for me during this stressful time. 
     The take away I got from the meeting with Magi was that we all have the capacity to be charismatic leaders or teachers. She had looked at Seth Godin's TED talk. February 2009, The tribes we lead. Having a tribe or a class gives us the opportunity to practice and be that charismatic teacher. This can happen much easier in a facilitated class where there is no summative evaluation and where the learner has joined your class because of a shared interest in what you are presenting.
     It was interesting connecting with someone whose perspective on education was so different from where I was coming from as a nursing instructor.
 Kleiner, Art. (2002, October 11) Karen Stephenson's Quantum Theory of Trust. Strategy &                 Business. Booz & Company. 4(29) Retrieved from, May 30, 2015

Poellhuber, B.,  Roy, N., & Anderson, T. (2011, October) Distance Students' Readiness for Social Media and Collaboration. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. Athabasca University. 12(6) Retrieved from March 19, 2015
Stephenson, Karen. What Knowledge Tears Apart, Networks Make Whole. Internal Communication Focus. No. 36 Retrieved from March 19, 2015.
Wang, Z., Chen, L., Anderson, T. (2014, April). A Framework for Interaction and Cognitive Engagement in Connectivist Learning Contexts. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 15(2), 121-141

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